Tuesday, February 19, 2008

i'm terribly missing the comfort of screw, mel and yipeng right now ): damnit.
falling sick. no no no cannot -.- (i can hear angela happily chirping 'cannot') haha. i really can't afford to fall sick. this is not good. vitamin c, cod liver oil & honey here i comeee.
the convo today with yipeng left me missing everything even more. but at least this idiot is of some use once in awhile. hahaha :p
i'm being forced to work harder than ever. and there are times where i really feel like shit cos i think i'm letting them down. and it just eats at me. the emotional effort it goes into this role is so draining. that after every rehearsal i feel like i'm being pulled in different directions with so many conflicting emotions. it doesn't help that so many things have been mixed in, or that i have to go through so many ups and downs either. i totally understand what tan kheng hua meant when she got lost in the character. though i don't think i'm fully able to bring out the character yet, i'm trying my darnest. and its coming to the point where its just consuming my every moment.


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